Idea Finding - Innovation Coaching - Innovation Culture

Benno van Aerssen provides professional innovation coaching. As coach and trainer he supports companies, teams and brands in finding brilliant ideas and implementing a sustainable corporate innovation culture plus you can book him to give creative input into your team´s brainstorming.
Furthermore, Benno is an inspiring author and acts as enthusiastic speaker who wows his audience with creativity, ideas and passion.
Over the years, Benno developed his own strategy to unleash the hidden innovation potenital of your team. Call him to find extraordinary ideas, outside-the-box approaches or new perspectives!

Unleash sustainable innovation power within your team and you'll become an attractive employer for the best of the best in your field.

Boosting creative potential
How to define clear future challenges.
How to find the right creativity technique, how to use it and how to implement it as a corporate strategy.
How to increase the innovative capability of your company, how to find better solutions and guarantee sustainable success.
Innovation culture
How to identify your innovators and unleash their creative potential.
How to promote an atmosphere of creativity and an open culture of innovation.
How to raise hidden treasures of inventiveness and create noticeable market edge.
Innovation management
How to manage ideas, how to rate them and how to implement them to generate added value and corporate success.
How to pay respect to successfully implemented ideas and their invnetors, how to celebrate and enjoy their success.
How to live and make use of the Open Innovation philosophy integrating your stake holders and customers to enter a new dimension of added value.

A lateral thinking mind with a deep level of expertise
With his deep level of expertise, his lateral-thinking, creative mind as well as with his particular understanding for your current situation and challenges, Benno van Aerssen strengthens your team from within with idea finding, innovation coaching and with innovation management.
Benno an Aerssen is your coach, companion, initiator or even idea provider for all creative processes.
He has committed himself to the task of providing a new environment or new framework which allow creativity and an innovation culture to evolve.