
This new method by Tamer Kemeröz and Benno van Aerssen involves "Systematically excavating hidden ideas" – Innovation digging answers the old, painful question “Where shall we start then, with whole idea-finding?”

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Innovation digging is the first method of its kind in defining the new generic concept of joining creative forces.

With Innovation digging you systematically increase the probability for both continuous (incremental) innovations as well as disruptive (radical) innovations.

Innovation digging can be applied to individual work, in teams and to entire companies.

Innovation digging binds together your teams creative-strengths
Innovation digging binds together your teams creative-strengths

Answers to important questions

If you can’t come up with a good answer to at least one of these seven questions then we can personally guarantee that you will definitely benefit from innovation digging. 

  1. Where is it possible to start, with finding ideas and fresh innovation?
  2. How can you bundle and manage the powers of creativity without being the frightful “voice of doom”?  
  3. How can we ensure that the ideas uncovered will maintain a relevance to the company’s goals and ambitions?
  4. How can we learn to think “outside of the Box” to help us discover the innovation with the highest potential?
  5. How can we methodically increase the likelihood of radical or disruptive innovations?
  6. How can we control and learn to calculate the future innovation processes without actually impeding on these processes?
  7. How can we create the necessary motivation and drive, which will ensure that every team member backs and supports the ideas of their fellow colleagues?

Innovation digging works also spontaneously on a beer mat

Innovation digging works also spontaneously on a beer mat
Innovation digging works also spontaneously on a beer mat

Relaxed on a napkin in a coffee bar

Brainstorming in a coffe bar with innovation digging
Brainstorming in a coffe bar with innovation digging

As a strategic tool of your innovation process

As a strategic tool of your innovation process
As a strategic tool of your innovation process
  • Innovation digging raises the likelihood of innovation

  • Innovation digging uncovers hidden possible corners of the mind where ideas might be lurking.

  • Innovation digging reduces the ideas and innovation search costs through a simple, measurable, and structured process, which systematically binds the creative-strengths of your company.

  • Innovation digging offers a systematic and structured approach to find ideas and generate innovation.

  • Innovation digging ensures quick results and can be an aid in moments of frustration.

  • Innovation digging increases the efficiency of generating ideas while reducing all the costs incurred through pointless discussions and the re-synchronization of teams.

  • Innovation digging increases team motivation by guaranteeing that the teams strengths are combined, no one has to worry that their efforts of idea finding will be over-looked

  • Innovation digging, through open documentation, allows you to monitor and celebrate valuable milestones of success. 

  • Innovation digging provides the opportunity to form figures, on which the entire ideas finding process can be calculated and managed.

  • Innovation digging is an ideal preliminary stage for finding ideas with the "Immediate-Help-for-Ideas"

Tamer Kemeröz and Benno van Aerssen invented innovation digging
Tamer Kemeröz and Benno van Aerssen invented innovation digging

On a pin board in your innovationworkshop

On a pin board in your innovationworkshop
On a pin board in your innovationworkshop